Breakups Rebecca Hawkes Breakups Rebecca Hawkes

05: Should I Really Delete Everything After a Breakup?

In 2012, I went through my first of two catastrophic breakups. To help me process the breakup, my friends thought it’d be a good idea to take my phone and delete all evidence of the relationship.

They deleted every message he'd sent. They deleted him off Facebook. And they deleted his number. But I couldn’t handle it. I was not ready to stop re-reading our conversations.

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast, I’m sharing my thoughts on the commonly asked question “Should I delete everything after my breakup?” and comparing my own healing process when everything was deleted just weeks after my first big breakup versus me steadily deleting things over a period of a few years after my second big breakup 7 years later.

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Breakups Rebecca Hawkes Breakups Rebecca Hawkes

04: Were They Really Your Best Friend? 6 Signs Your Ex Wasn’t ‘The One’

I’ve been in 5 relationships since I was 17. One fizzled out after two years, one was destined to be temporary, one ended in a screaming match and me moving to another island, and two ended in catastrophic heartbreak.

After both of these breakups, I kept repeating the same thing to myself “But he was my best friend”. I felt like I’d lost more than just a lover and if you feel the same, you should listen to this.

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast we’re exploring the question: were they really your best friend? I’m also sharing 6 signs your ex wasn’t ‘The One’. My hope for you is that after listening to this episode, you’ll feel stronger, more empowered and ready to move on from the one(s) who didn’t deserve you.

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Breakups Rebecca Hawkes Breakups Rebecca Hawkes

03: How to Self Care When You’re Going Through a Break Up

A relationship ending can be one of the most difficult experiences to go through. It can be especially hard to practise self-care when you’re in the process of healing from a breakup.

However, it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do to get yourself through the difficult time.

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast, I’m sharing how to self care when you’re going through a breakup, including the three layers you need to work on and my go to self care activities when I’m struggling.

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Breakups Rebecca Hawkes Breakups Rebecca Hawkes

02: How to Break Up with Someone in the Kindest Way

Ending a relationship is never easy. When you come to the realisation that your relationship just isn’t working for you anymore, it can be hard to know how to approach it with your partner.

Whether you’ve been together for a few months, a few years or a few decades, the last thing you want to do is hurt them. But how do you break up with someone in a kind way?

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast I’ll be sharing how to break up with someone in the kindest way so you can keep any hurt or upset to a minimum. At the end of the day, if something no longer feels right, you need to walk away. Living a miserable life for fear of hurting their feelings is not the way to go.

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Breakups Rebecca Hawkes Breakups Rebecca Hawkes

01: How to Know If You’re in the Wrong Relationship

Everyone deserves to be in a loving, healthy relationship where they feel supported, empowered and safe. But how do you know if you’re in the wrong relationship?

Relationships can be confusing, especially when it comes to deciding if something is worth staying in or walking away from. It can be difficult to determine when something is not right, when to draw the line, and if it’s time to move on.

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast, we’ll be looking at 5 common signs you could be in the wrong relationship and what to do when you’re doubting whether to stay and make it work or pack your bag and move on.

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