02: How to Break Up with Someone in the Kindest Way


How to Break Up with Someone in the Kindest Way

Ending a relationship is never easy. When you come to the realisation that your relationship just isn’t working for you anymore, it can be hard to know how to approach it with your partner.

Whether you’ve been together for a few months, a few years or a few decades, the last thing you want to do is hurt them. But how do you break up with someone in a kind way?

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast I’ll be sharing how to break up with someone in the kindest way so you can keep any hurt or upset to a minimum. At the end of the day, if something no longer feels right, you need to walk away. Living a miserable life for fear of hurting their feelings is not the way to go.

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Listen to more episodes below:


03: How to Self Care When You’re Going Through a Break Up


01: How to Know If You’re in the Wrong Relationship