08: Important Things I Tell Myself Before a First Date


Important Things I Tell Myself Before a First Date

Going on a first date can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The anticipation, the butterflies, and the desire to make a great impression can lead to anxiety. However, the key to a successful first date lies in your mindset.

In this episode of The Date With Confidence podcast, I’m sharing valuable insights and practical tips for boosting your confidence before a first date including the important things I tell myself before I go on any date.

Here are the key topics we cover:

1. The 90/90 Mindset Concept: I introduce you to my unique concept aimed at helping you feel confident every day. It involves three core principles that’ll change the way you date from now on.

2. Changing Your Mindset: I emphasise the importance of maintaining a positive mindset before a date and highlight the significance of avoiding negative "what if" thoughts.

3. Managing Expectations: Why I’m against building up unrealistic expectations before a first date and what you should do instead.

4. Repeating Affirmations: Discover why I’m such an advocate of using positive affirmations to boost self-confidence and learn the exact affirmations I use before a first date.

5. Mindset Monologue: Learn the powerful exercise I teach inside of The Confidence Course that sees you spiralling upwards with positive "what ifs" to counteract any negative thoughts that may arise.

6. Reflecting on Past Experiences: I reminisce about past dating experiences, including both good and bad dates, highlighting the importance of maintaining a sense of humour and an open mind when approaching new dates.

Remember, going on a first date doesn't have to be daunting. By adopting these mindset techniques and preparing yourself mentally, you can increase your confidence and make the most of your dating experience.

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Listen to more episodes below:


09: How to Act & Feel Confident Before a First Date


07: Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Around Dating