38: Dating Advice: Is This Really a Red Flag?


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Dating Advice: Is This Really A Red Flag?

Let’s talk about red flags in dating.

In this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast, I’m answering a number of questions about whether something is a red flag and you should run a mile or if you’re simply being oversensitive and you need to work on your self esteem.

(Spoiler alert: you’re not being sensitive).

Here are the questions I answer - is it a red flag if a man:

1. Refers to women in a derogatory way?

2. Unmatches you on a dating app immediately after getting your number?

3. Updates his dating profile after organising a fourth date with you?

4. Is on multiple dating apps?

5. Has been in multiple relationships but has never been in love?

6. Doesn’t have social media?

7. Mainly follows women on Instagram?

8. Takes a while for messages to be delivered on WhatsApp?

9. Speaks about his ex in a nasty way/is rude about his ex?

10. Lies about the number of people he’s slept with?

11. Stops replying at 7pm and tells me he’s fallen asleep? 

12. Has slept with a lot of women (close to 100)?

13. Asks if I’m out on the pull when we’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months?

The quicker you raise your relationship standards and stick to the boundaries you set for yourself, the quicker you’ll meet the green flag guy you’ve always deserved

And to show you exactly how to do that, I’m running a brand new FREE masterclass called The Dating Debrief where I’ll be revealing how I went from anxious, codependent and unable to speak up in relationships to confidently dating, able to set solid boundaries, and having the time of my (love) life. 

Sign up here: https://rebeccalucyh.co/debrief 

Get The Confidence Course for FREE when you join Level Up In Love

Level Up In Love: A 3 month close-proximity coaching container dedicated to helping you date with confidence, build better boundaries, raise your relationship standards and finally manifest the dream relationship you've always deserved.

Think: a private group chat with your besties where you can talk about dating dilemmas, how to confidently communicate your wants, needs and desires, get support after a shitty dating experience and celebrate all the positive moments in your dating and relationship journey. 

Early Bird Discount Expires 17th March 2024: Level Up In Love

Episodes mentioned:

Am I Delusional? 

I Know What I Deserve Now

He Lied About His Age

Get Involved!

You can contribute your stories to the Date with Confidence Podcast here. Share your best or worst dating stories, your biggest icks, dating tips you think everyone should know or ask me anything about my dating life or a burning question you need an answer for.  


Follow The Date with Confidence Podcast on Instagram + follow your host Rebecca Hawkes here.

Listen to more episodes below:


39: How To Quit Obsessing Over Why He Hasn't Messaged


37: How To Be Confident In Yourself When You're Dating