29: How to Manifest ‘The One’: Do This Before Dating


How to Manifest ‘The One’: Do This Before Dating

Are you ready to manifest love, romance and your dream relationship into your reality?

Join me in this episode of The Date with Confidence Podcast as we deep dive into the mental, practical and energetic manifestation practices for manifesting ‘the one’.

We explore the exact exercises I used before I started dating and the ones I use as I’m actively dating to manifest my dream partner. I’ve broken my process down into three sections to make it easier for you to implement these practices so you too can work to manifest the one into your life.

Here are the key topics covered:

1. Believing in the Dream: Dive into the crucial aspect of fostering belief in the possibility of your dream relationship. Explore methods to embrace the notion that ‘the one’ can enter your life through various abundant channels.

2. Embracing Trust: Despite past relationship hurdles, make a conscious choice to trust that the perfect person will appear in your life at the right moment. Unpack the importance of choosing trust as you navigate the journey to finding your ideal partner.

3. Clarity Unveiled: Explore the process of gaining clarity on your desires in a partner and understand why this clarity plays a pivotal role in manifesting ‘the one.’ Delve into the significance of having a clear vision to attract the relationship you truly want.

4. Elevating Standards: Unveil practical exercises employed to manifest an ideal relationship, ensuring that your standards remain high throughout the dating journey. Learn strategies to avoid settling for a relationship that falls short of what you genuinely deserve.

5. Crafting Your Wish Lists: Navigate the creation of two distinct wish lists, distinguishing between non-negotiable standards and flexible expectations. Understand the importance of setting clear intentions for the kind of relationship you aspire to have.

6. Manifesting with Letters and Boards: Uncover effective manifesting techniques, such as letter writing and vision boards, as powerful tools to attract the right person into your life. Learn how these creative practices can significantly influence your journey to finding love.

7. Active Manifestation: Recognise that manifestation involves more than just jotting down desires; actively engage in social activities and dating environments. Understand why participation is key to enhancing your chances of encountering the ideal person on your path to love.

8. Visualisation Mastery: Take your visualisation practice to a whole new level when you incorporate these tiny experiences into your daily vision. Learn to visualise not only the significant milestones but also the small, everyday moments that make up the fabric of a fulfilling relationship. Embrace a level of delusion and daydreaming to make your vision crystal clear.

9. Feeling the Future: Shift your energy from a sense of lack to an abundance mindset by imagining and embodying the feelings you'd experience in your dream relationship. Discover practical ways to cultivate those emotions in your present life.

10. Gratitude in Solo Moments: While manifesting The One, find gratitude in your current solo journey. Acknowledge the positives of being alone and use this time to set high standards, ensuring you don't settle for anything less than you deserve.

Remember, you are worthy of the love you seek—keep those standards high and trust in the unfolding of your romantic destiny.

Episodes Mentioned:

Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Around Dating

5 Powerful Types of Vision Board You Can Create

How to Cancel a Date with the ‘Nice One’

Disclaimer: these are practices I use myself and of course, they do not promise any results. The information in this episode is a personal account of exercises I see as fun and expansive. 

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Listen to more episodes below:


30: Your Dream Relationship Exists: Here's How To Believe In It


28: My First Date Of 2024: Everything You Need To Know